
Drossalter Powder

An Ideal Solution For
Waste WaterTreatment

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Service full image
  • Detoxify

    Detoxify septic tank area, harmfull gases and substances such as ammonia, nitrates & H2S Increase septic tank water holding capacity

  • Increase Capacity

    Increase Septic Tank Water Holding Capacity

  • Save Electricity

    In STP it reduce air blower running time & save electricity.

  • Eliminate

    Eliminate biological sludges


Spetic tank sludge control, waste water plant odour control, Sewage Treatment Plant aerobic treatment.


Peroxide based bacteria stimulator, soda ash.

Dosage Level

Recommended for daily usage in septic tank, sewage treatment plant, kitchen waste water holding tank until reduce foul smell issue & increase tank carrying capacity.

Dosage Level

Mix 100 grams drossalter with 5000 liters of septic tank water. : In Sewage treatment plant apply 100 gram drossalter with 10000 liters of waste water.